Wednesday, May 15, 2013

VOA3R 7th project meeting - Joint session with SemaGrow

Just 15 days before its official end, VOA3R held its 7th and last project meeting at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy between 14 & 15 of May 2013. As usually, all Work Packages were discussed in terms of their status (including each one of the individual pending deliverables) and actions to be taken by the end of the project were also defined and discussed. Everything should be ready before the 2nd (and last) Review Meeting of the project, which will be held on July 18th, 2013 at Brussels, Belgium.

Not only has VOA3R a revised website, but there have been revisions in the VOA3R portal as well, including a change in the URL. The new one is much easier to remember:!
Among the revisions in the portal the major ones are related to the improvement / refinement of the search mechanisms, as well as bug fixes and usability issues.

I also had the opportunity to participate in the first day of the SemaGrow project meeting on Monday morning, which took place at the premises of Tor Vergata University, quite far from the center of Rome - it was expensive reaching that and tricky reaching the center of Rome after the end of the meeting. I had the opportunity to meet colleagues from UAH (Miguel-Angel and Jaakko), NCSR (Pythagoras) and of course meet new people as always, like Vangelis and Caterina. I was mainly interested in the data sources for this project, as this is a task that I am closely following and contributing to.

SemaGrow held a joint session with VOA3R partners, during which both presentations and interactive sessions took place. During this interactive session we had the chance to provide some ideas for enhancing the tools and services provided by VOA3R. This session also provided me with a unique opportunity to get to meet +Stefano Anibaldi for the first time, after spending hours in Flash and Skype meetings and exchanging numerous emails about various topics - he is always an excellent source of useful information and always willing to help!

This was my first time in Rome (3rd time in Italy though, after my participation in project related events at Teramo and Pollenzo) and I really enjoyed that. I stayed at a lovely B&B near Termini station, so I was only 3 stops away from the meeting place. We also enjoyed a nice traditional Italian pizza at a nice traditional place and had the opportunity to discuss informally with the project partners.

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